Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello Everyone

Acting on Johanna's very welcome recommendation, I've decided to write a blog this summer while the girls are traveling. I know you all know that they're off on missions trips -- Talia to Cambodia and Thailand through June and July and Kate to South Africa in July.

On Friday I'll be driving them both to Donna's for the weekend, but when Kate and I come home on Sunday, Talia will stay with Donna for about a week and then get on the plane in Minneapolis. She flies to Dallas on June 9 to spend a few days getting to know her teammates and learning some songs and skits to use while they're working. From there, they'll fly to Cambodia via LA.

Same as last year, watching God supply the funding the girls need through His people has been a faith-building experience. I'd like to thank you all for praying, for giving, for being there when I need someone to remind me that they're in His hands. Although I won't write much over the next couple of weeks, I will update this blog every time I get an email or a phone call from one or the other of the girls.

Thanks again for keeping us all in your prayers,