Saturday, September 6, 2008

Better Never Late?

So a month after meeting the girls at the airport in Minneapolis, I'm finally sitting down to fill you all in on that day....

Phil and I drove to the cities on Friday, sadly the air conditioning stopped working, the sun shone enthusiastically in through the windows, and we just about melted. But other than that, we had a nice visit, and I was able to get a little knitting done in the car.

Their plane arrived Saturday morning, and we arrived at the airport about an hour early. I just hated to take the chance that we might miss them or that they might end up waiting for us. It was okay; Starbucks and a crossword puzzle took care of us nicely while they waited. As the minutes ticked down, I found it harder and harder to concentrate on the clues and ended up just getting myself covered in newsprint and not ever solving the silly thing.

But then they were there. Hurrah!!!

We hugged, we cheered, we all talked at once, and then we gathered their bags up from the luggage carousel and wandered over to the car. Donna was there too since Talia had decided she would go nanny for Donna for a few months while she decides what she wants to do next. And since we weren't going to take both girls home with us, we all went over to the Mall of America for lunch and a visit. Stories, laughing, talking, and good food filled a couple of lovely hours; and all too soon it was time to hit the road if we were all going to make it home before it got too late.

The girls hugged one last time. There were a few tears and another hug or two, and we separated the girls. It was hard. For them and for us.

Now, a month later, Talia's been home for her first visit. The girls stayed up late every night for a week catching up, and then we put Talia back on the bus to head back to Iowa. Life feels very different this year.

However, just so you all know that they really did make it home all in one piece, here they are:

Aren't they beautiful?



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