Sunday, July 6, 2008

TJ Phone Home #2

Another early morning phone call from Tal. Four a.m. here -- five p.m. there. She just called to let us know that, after spending a little time on the road, they've arrived in Thailand all in one piece. They have a couple of free days now while they wait for a few new recruits from Teen Mania in Texas. In the meantime, they're planning to travel to Burma and Laos. They're hoping to shop, ride elephants, and generally have a good time. We're hoping they'll have time to rest and recuperate before their second month.

While they're in Thailand, they're set to do more Vacation Bible School with the little kids and to work with the older kids and young adults helping them with their English. It also looks like they'll be working with the local church, which should be an eye-opening experience.

I guess that's all I know for now. It was another of those lovely overseas phone connections where we had difficulty with the delay and kept talking at the same time. About the time I figure that out, it will be time for the girls to come home. I'll let you all know more when I know more.



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